Sigma Phi Epsilon

Sigma Phi Epsilon


The Nebraska Delta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded at Creighton University in the winter of '86. Since its beginning, Sig Ep has become one of the leading fraternities on campus by building a foundation based on philanthropy, brotherhood, and social activities. The cardinal principles of Sigma Phi Epsilon are virtue, diligence, and brotherly love, and we strive to exemplify these principles in all that we do.

Our virtue can be seen in our devotion to philanthropy, both our own and that of other organizations. In the spring, our chapter orchestrates one of the largest annual road races in Omaha, the Run with a Heart. In 15 years, this philanthropic event has raised over $30,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands. Additionally, our chapter hosts an all-campus, 2-Set Volleyball tournament, partnered with Gamma Phi Beta, to raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters. We pride ourselves on strong philanthropy, but also embody virtue in our weekly bible study held on campus. 

We are diligent in the emphasis we place on academics. We understand that fundamentally we are students, and so we constantly encourage productive educational schedules in our members. Immediately after joining our fraternity, one will enter a pledge program that is structured around being diligent in studies. The diligence that is stimulated through our pledge program often remains with a new member as he enters other organizations on Creighton's campus. This is proving quite evident as a number of Sig Eps hold leadership roles on campus, ranging from CUBAC Presidents and executives to past Student Body Presidents. Each year, Sig Eps are leaders in many clubs, University Committees, government organizations, and varsity sports.

A number of activities, including intramural athletics, brotherhood events, and our balanced man program enhance our bond of brotherhood. Athletics provide a way for brothers to unite in competition (Sigma Phi Epsilon traditionally has intramural teams that place high in the all-university ranking). Additionally, the brothers often come together for brotherhood events like softball and BBQs, and the personal growth that is experienced during the balanced man program is unparalleled.

In addition to following our cardinal principles, Sig Ep promotes an occasional release from a demanding college education by hosting theme date parties, formals, and alumni events. Sig Ep can provide one with all aspects of college life. It is under this premise that we develop balanced men.

Sigma Phi Epsilon is only as strong as the men who comprise it. The diversity and qualities of these men create a brotherhood that is second to none.

Contact Information

United States
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 2629338291
This organization has no officers.