Creighton University Gender and Sexuality Alliance
The Alliance is a student organization that has been organized to address the topic of sexual orientation at Creighton. The group intends to address sexual identity within the Catholic, Jesuit tradition and to promote the Ignatian vision which affirms the goodness, worth, and dignity of every person.
The Alliance will uphold the spirit of Catholic teaching regarding the confrontation of fears about homosexuality and the need for the Christian acceptance of all persons. In promoting equality and justice for all students, the Alliance will exemplify Catholic teaching by fostering acceptance of homosexual persons with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.
The Alliance will seek to create and maintain a safe environment for the support, education, and assistance of all students. It will work to educate the Creighton community in a variety of formats and provide support for straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual, and queer students. It will provide assistance and support via counseling, group sharing, resources, and programs.
The Alliance will encourage the University community to eliminate biases against any sexual orientation via educational formats and projects. The Alliance will promote mature, values-centered decisions regarding sexuality.
The Alliance will encourage participation by students of all backgrounds to further its educational and supportive mission.