Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter
The purpose of the Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter is as follows: To capture the imagination, energy, and hope of students, faculty, and staff to productively and effectively involve them in the work of Habitat for Humanity. The campus chapter has four major functions: providing the opportunity for students to volunteer at the Habitat ReStore, building and rehabilitating houses in partnership with Habitat for Humanity affiliates and homeowners, educating the campus and local community about affordable housing issues and the work of Habitat for Humanity, and raising funds for the work of Habitat for Humanity.
We have two different opportunities for volunteering - construction/deconstruction (builds) and the ReStore. Both are on Saturday's. The builds are from 8 am to approximately 3 pm. Each build lasts about 7 hours and includes up to 10 community members along with a general contractor. Over the course of the build, members and volunteers learn how to perform a construction task (hanging drywall, installing windows, nailing shingles to the roof, etc.) and then get to use this new knowledge to make their own lasting contribution to the house. In the past, CU volunteers have been able to work with volunteers from other cities and countries and even the family members themselves who will eventually be moving into the house once it is completed. There are typically 9-10 builds per semester. For ReStore volunteering, we typically have a group each Saturday morning from 10am - 1pm that helps out at the ReStore West location. CU volunteers are primarily involved with providing assistance in customer service, pick-up/drop-off, and general warehouse activities.